Pa Her

Clinical Assistant Professor

Her, Pa

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Dr. Her is a Clinical Assistant Professor and the Assistant Director of the Counseling Psychology Training Clinic. She completed her Ph.D. in counseling psychology at UW-Madison and completed her clinical internship at the University of Minnesota.


  • PhD Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020
  • MA Counseling, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011
  • BS Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008

Select Publications

  • Hora, M., Parrott, E., & Her, P. (2020). How do students conceptualise the college internship experience? Towards a student-centered approach to designing and implementing internships. Journal of Education and Work, 33(1), 48-66.
  • Thompson, M. N., Her, P., Fetter, A., & Perez-Chavez, J. G. (2019). College Student Psychological Distress: Relationship to Self‐Esteem and Career Decision Self‐Efficacy Beliefs. The Career Development Quarterly, 67(4), 282-297. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Her, P., Gloria, A. M., Chang, S., Thao, P., Lee, D., & Xiong, M. (2019). Niam txiv txoj kev txawj ntse: A psychosociocultural understanding of Hmong parents support of their Hmong American undergraduates. Journal of Family Diversity in Education
  • Thompson, M. N., Her, P., Nitzarim, R., Sampe, M., & Diestelmann, J. (2018). The transmission of social class and world of work information in parents-adolescent dyads. Journal of Career Assessment, 26(4), 697-716. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Her, P., & Gloria, A. M. (2016). Kev txhawb siab: Hmong parents’ educational encouragement of their undergraduate daughter/son. Journal of Family Diversity in Education
  • Thompson, M. N., Nitzarim, R. S., Her, P., & Dahling, J. J. (2013). A grounded theory exploration of undergraduate experiences of vicarious unemployment. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(3), 421-431.

Select Presentations

  • Her, P., & Thompson, M. N. (2019, August - 2019, August). Relationships of intrapersonal factors and self-focused perceptions on persistence intentions. Symposium Presentation presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Her, P., Parrott, E., & Hora, M. (2019, August - 2019, August). Understanding the ways that students, educators, and employers understand and conceptualize internship: results from a free list study. Symposium Presentation presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Thompson, M. N., Nitzarim, R. S., Her, P., & Dahling, J. (2013, July - 2013, August). Ending the Cycle: Grounded Theory Exploration of Undergraduate Experiences of Vicarious Unemployment. Symposium Presentation presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
  • Her, P., Sanyaolu, A. O., Callaway, W. S., Lozano, A., Brewoo, K. K., Gomez, N. J., & Lam, L. T. (2013, May - 2013, June). A Review of how Peer Mentoring Program Develop Student Leaders. Workshop Presentation presented at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, New Orleans, LA.
  • Her, P., & Gloria, A. M. (2011, August - 2011, August). Txhawb Nqa: Hmong Parents' Educational Encouragement of Undergraduates. presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.